Achievements and recognitions

Awards and honors

  1. State research merit prize.
  2. Honorary state researcher (2023).
  3. State Ecological Merit Prize 2023 in the Academic Sector “Héctor Mayagoitia Domínguez” (2023).
  4. Forestry Merit Award “Ing. Roberto Villaseñor Ángeles” (2022).
  5. Member of the National System of Researchers (SNI) level III, for outstanding achievement contributing to the scientific and technological development of the State. (2022).
  6. Desirable profile for full-time professors PROMEP (2022).
  7. Promotion in the National System of Researchers (SNI) Level III (2022).
  8. Congratulations and recognition for distinction obtained as a Level II Researcher in the SNI and outstanding academic production (2021).
  9. National Researcher Level II (2020).
  10. Honorary researcher (2020).
  11. International Research Merit Certificate (2017).
  12. Member of the CAC-UJED-CA-77, National Researcher Level II (2016).
  13. National Researcher Level II (2016).
  14. Collaborator in the program “Sistema Integral de Calidad de la Universidad Juárez del Estado de Durango basado en la Norma ISO 9001:2008” (2014).
  15. National Researcher Level I (2013).
  16. Honorable Mention in the Forestry Merit Award (2010), in the category of Forestry Education and Culture.
  17. Candidate for National Researcher (2010).
  18. Winner of the Durango State Prize for Science and Technological Innovation (2009) in the area of Exact and Natural Sciences.
  19. Magna Cum Laude (2005).
  20. Congratulations for academic trajectory in Master´s studies (1997).

Academic editor

  1. Member of Evaluation Commission in Area VII of SNII during 2023.
  2. Editor guest of “Revista Mexicana de Ciencias Forestales”.
  3. Scientific reviewer invited by the Journal Naturaleza y Sociedad. Desafíos Medioambientales (2022).
  4. Evaluation of technical report (2022).
  5. Scientific reviewer of four scientific papers in the journals Applied Sciences, Remote Sensing, Forests, and ISPRS International Journal of Geo-Information (2022).
  6. Section editor of the journal Madera y Bosques (2021).
  7. Evaluation Commission of the Convocation “Durango State prize for Science, technology and Innovation (2021)”.
  8. Evaluation Commission of the Convocation for applied research projects “Mujeres en la ciencia, tecnologías, ingeniería y matemáticas” (2022).
  9. Evaluation Commission of the Convocation “Impulso a la Investigación Aplicada con Carácter de Desarrollo Regional y Pertinencia Social, Ambiental y Económica”(2022).
  10. Evaluator of research studies presented in the 5th National Congress of Students of Geomatics, Geodesy, and Geoinformatics (2021).
  11. Scientific reviewer invited by the Journal e-CUCBA (2021).
  12. Member of the editorial committee of the journal Ciencia Amazónica (Iquitos) (2021).
  13. Scientific reviewer invited by the journal Forests (2021).
  14. Scientific reviewer invited by the journal Remote Sensing (2021).
  15. Scientific reviewer invited by the journal Geocarto International (2021).
  16. Scientific reviewer of three scientific papers in the journals Remote sensing, Forests, and ISPRS International Journal of Geo-Information (2021).
  17. Scientific reviewer invited by the journal Agricultural and Forest Meteorology (2021).
  18. Scientific reviewer invited by the journal Chapingo Serie Ciencias Forestales y del Ambiente (2021).
  19. Evaluation of proposals related to the convocation “Apoyos para acciones de fortalecimiento, articulación de infraestructura y desarrollo de proyectos científicos, tecnológicos y de innovación en Laboratorios Nacionales CONACYT 2021” (2021).
  20. Evaluation of the final technical report of the funding project: Fondo SEP-CONACYT, of the convocation: CB-2015-01 (2021).
  21. Jury evaluator of the convocation for the Durango State Prize for Science, Technology and Innovation 2020 (2021).
  22. Scientific reviewer invited by the Revista Mexicana de Ciencias Forestales (2020).
  23. Technical evaluator for the convocation for entry into the State System of Researchers 2019 (2020).
  24. Scientific reviewer invited by the journal Bosque (2020).
  25. Scientific reviewer invited by the journal Chapingo Serie Ciencias Forestales y del Ambiente (2020).
  26. Pre-evaluatory review commission of Area VI: Biotechnology and Agricultural and Livestock Production Sciences during the process related to the 2020 Convocation for entry to or remaining in the SNI (2020).
  27. Scientific reviewer invited by the journal Chapingo Serie Zonas Áridas (2019) (III).
  28. Scientific reviewer invited by the journal Chapingo Serie Zonas Áridas (2019) (II).
  29. Scientific reviewer invited by the journal Chapingo Serie Zonas Áridas (2019) (I).
  30. Evaluator for the “Gral. Y Lic. Bernardo López García” prize awarded to research of excellence UAT (2019).
  31. Project evaluator in the Convocation F0003-2019-03 of the Funds and Programs of CONACYT (2019).
  32. Evaluation of the work plan for a postdoctoral stay (2019).
  33. Scientific reviewer invited by the journal Fitotecnia Mexicana (2019).
  34. Scientific reviewer invited by the journal Madera y Bosque (2019).
  35. Scientific reviewer invited by the journal Interciencia (2018).
  36. Scientific reviewer invited by the journal Science of the Total Environment (2018).
  37. Member of evaluation Committee 1-B “Alimentos y su producción” of CONACYT (2018).
  38. Evaluator of three applications to the Convocation “Estancias Sabáticas al Extranjero 2018-1” (2018).
  39. Scientific reviewer invited by the Revista Mexicana de Ciencias Forestales (2018).
  40. Scientific reviewer invited by the journal Madera y Bosque (2018).
  41. Scientific reviewer invited by the journal Forest Ecology and Management (2018) (II).
  42. Scientific reviewer invited by the journal Forest Ecology and Management (2018).
  43. Technical evaluator of five research proposals of the Program of Institutional Support and Funding for Research Projects 2017 COCYTED (2018).
  44. Scientific reviewer invited by the journal Chapingo Serie Ciencias Forestales y del Ambiente (2017).
  45. Scientific reviewer invited by the journal Bosque (2017).
  46. Scientific reviewer invited by the journal Agrociencia (2017).
  47. Reviewer (Evaluator) of the Research Projects of the Program of Doctorates in Geography and Geotechnological Development of the Universidad Autónoma del Estado de México (2017).
  48. Scientific reviewer invited by the journal PLOS ONE (2017).
  49. Section editor invited by the journal Madera y Bosques (2017).
  50. Scientific reviewer invited by the journal Atmospheric Research (2017).
  51. Academic peer evaluation of programs for admission or renewal to the National Quality Postgraduate Program (PNPC) (2017).
  52. Scientific reviewer invited by the journal Acta Universitaria (2017).
  53. Scientific reviewer invited by the journal Ciencia UAT (2017).
  54. Scientific reviewer invited by the journal Theoretical and Applied Climatology (2016).
  55. Reviewer of the project for Doctorate studies in Geography and Geotechnical Development. (2016).
  56. Scientific reviewer invited by the Revista Mexicana de Ciencias Forestales (2016).
  57. Scientific reviewer invited by the journal Open Journal of Forestry (2016).
  58. Scientific reviewer invited by the journal Atmospheric Research (2016).
  59. Evaluator of the convocation of Scientific Development Projects to Address National Problems 2015 of CONACYT (2016).
  60. Scientific reviewer invited by the journal Madera y Bosques (2016).
  61. Scientific reviewer invited by the journal Atmosfera (2016).
  62. Scientific reviewer invited by the journal Interciencia (2015).
  63. Evaluation committee for full papers from the XXI National Meeting SELPER-México-UACJ-2015.
  64. Scientific reviewer invited by the European Journal of Forest Research (2015).
  65. Scientific reviewer invited by the journal Forest Ecology & Management (2015).
  66. Contributing editor to the journal Agrociencia (2015).
  67. Scientific reviewer invited by the journal Theoretical and Applied Climatology (2014).
  68. Scientific reviewer invited by the Revista Mexicana de Ciencias Forestales (2014) (III).
  69. Scientific reviewer invited by the journal Madera y Bosque (2014).
  70. Scientific reviewer invited by the International Journal of Geo-Information (2014).
  71. Scientific reviewer invited by the journal Chemosphere (2014).
  72. Scientific reviewer invited by the Revista Mexicana de Ciencias Forestales (2014).
  73. Scientific reviewer invited by the journal Ciencia UAT (2014).
  74. Scientific reviewer invited by the International Journal of Plant & Soil Science (2014).
  75. Scientific reviewer invited by the journal Madera y Bosques (2014).
  76. Reviewer of projects CONACYT-BMBF 2013 (2014).
  77. Scientific reviewer invited by the Croatian Journal of Forest Engineering (2013).
  78. Scientific reviewer invited by the Canadian Journal of Forestry Research (2013).
  79. Scientific reviewer invited by the Journal of Forestry Research (2013).
  80. Scientific reviewer invited by the Revista Mexicana de Ciencias Forestales from January to December 2012 (2013).
  81. Scientific reviewer invited by the Revista Mexicana de Ciencias Forestales (2012).
  82. Reviewer of projects of the Universidad Autónoma del Estado de México (2012).
  83. Scientific reviewer invited by the African Journal of Agricultural Research (2012).
  84. Scientific reviewer invited by the journal Acta Biológica Colombiana (2012).
  85. Technical evaluator of projects of the fund “10017” in the Convocation CB-2012-001 (2012).
  86. Scientific reviewer invited by the Revista Mexicana de Ciencias Forestales (2012).
  87. Scientific reviewer invited by the journal Avances en Investigación Agropecuaria (2011).
  88. Editor of the journal Agrociencia (2011).
  89. Member of the CONACYT register of accredited evaluators (RCEA) (2011).
  90. Scientific reviewer of the Revista Mexicana de Ciencias Forestales from January to December 2011.
  91. Scientific reviewer invited by the Revista Mexicana de Ciencias Forestales (2011).
  92. Scientific reviewer invited by the Revista Mexicana de Ciencias Forestales (2011).
  93. “Jury Member for Evaluating Advances” in the Semestral Presentation of Seminars of the students of DCAF-UJED (2010).
  94. Scientific reviewer of the Revista Mexicana de Ciencias Forestales from January to December 2010 (2010).
  95. Scientific reviewer invited by the Revista Mexicana de Ciencias Forestales (2010).
  96. “Member of the Jury for Evaluating Advances” in the Semestral Presentation of Seminars of the students of PIDCAF-UJED (2009).
  97. Member of the Technical Committee for Evaluating Projects corresponding to the Convocation of the “Program of Research and Technology Transfer 2003” (2009).